
Brexit advocate Farage will appear with Trump in Mississippi

Nigel Farage has revealed he will share a stage with Donald Trump in MS tonight to discuss what the Republican presidential candidate can learn from his Brexit success.


Brexit also has significance when it comes to recent national polling that shows Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonCoulter: It’s a “mistake” for Trump to soften on immigration UK’s Nigel Farage says he’ll speak at Wednesday Trump rally Clinton enjoying edge over Trump in Silicon Valley MORE as a favorite to win the general election in November.

Mr Farage told local radio in the state that the similarities between Brexit and the USA election were “uncanny”.

Last week Donald Trump managed to leave hacks and commentariats confused when he took to Twitter to declare that he would soon be referred to as ‘MR BREXIT!’.

Many Trump supporters have voiced nationalist, anti-globalisation, anti-establishment views, which have been echoed among many who voted for Brexit. The anti-E.U. activist will not endorse the real-estate mogul for president, but said he will be on-stage to tell “the Brexit Story”. “We were wasting our time”.

Jackson is a significant choice of venue for Mr Trump in his new attempt to reach out for black voters, who have traditionally voted overwhelmingly for Democratic candidates. “With a well-aimed stone, we hit that big Goliath and knocked it over”.

Speaking to the Telegraph, Mr Farage said of the event: “Brexit is just massive over here”.

“It was a victory for the little people – and if the Trump camp reaches out to those same people who have been disadvantaged by corporatism, under-cutting wages, a lot of strong similarities to the United Kingdom then it does not matter what the polls say, what the liberal media say – in the end elections are won by numbers”.


“If people want things to change they’ve got to get out of their chairs and fight for it – it can happen we proved it”.

Nigel Farage and Donald Trump in The Brexit Story