
Brian Eno buys Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s hat for £250 at auction

Ms Phillips is a new Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, elected in May with a 6,500 majority, also said Mr Corbyn’s “been here for 33 years” so ‘could have spent some time thinking about what he wanted his vision for the country to be beyond some of his principles.


She was frustrated by Mr Corbyn’s leadership, saying that his questioning the police’s right to “shoot to kill” a terrorist had been damaging.

Although Owen Jones was once Jeremy Corbyn’s main cheerleader, in recent months his relationship with the Labour leader has cooled as his former Guardian colleague Seumas Milne has usurped him in Corbyn’s trusted circle.

The Birmingham MP said: “I would do anything that I felt was going to make the Labour Party win the next election because if I don’t have that attitude, all I’m doing is colluding with the Tories”.

Jess Phillips hit back at Ms Abbott who accused her of being “sanctimonious” about the lack of women in Mr Corbyn’s top team.

Phillips, who ran women’s aid refuges before standing for parliament, said that Corbyn’s opposition to the policy of shoot to kill was “pernicious”.

Ms Phillips said there was no way Labour could win a general election today.

“The problem we have here is a wider narrative that is being painted about Jeremy and the people that are now running the Labour party, and I worry that further association with organisations like this just plays into the hands of that narrative”.

Mr McDonnell insisted that the party was not split on domestic politics, despite widely publicised differences over Syria and Trident.

Former Roxy Music member Eno has previously voiced his support for Labour leader Corbyn. “On everything else, there is not much between us”.

In the wake of the vote, MPs who voted in favour of airstrikes were subjected to significant abuse on social media from supporters of Mr Corbyn. “The party has spoken, we have the leader and he has to recognise being a leader, perhaps, more than representing a protest movement”, he said.

“People in the PLP are faced with this very different movement and where there might have been 20 or 30 people turning up at a local constituency meeting, it is now 70, 80 or 100, and local membership has increased from 400 to 1,000 or even quadruple that”.


Mr Livingstone’s appointment to a key role deciding whether Labour will support or oppose Trident nuclear deterrent replacement has already caused ructions in Labour.

Labour MP Jess Phillips has given leader Jeremy Corbyn a startling ultimatum as he bids to turn the party's fortunes around