
Britain and France to sign Calais migrant crisis deal

The move will intensify fears that the chaotic port town will continue to be a magnet for thousands of migrants from across the world trying to make their way to Britain.


News of the decline comes as UK and French ministers have agreed to meet in Calais on Thursday to thrash out a new deal to tackle the migrant crisis.

Thousands of migrants are living around Calais – many of them in the camp known as the Jungle – and each night hundreds attempt to reach the UK by breaching security around the port and Eurotunnel.

Last month, a Sudanese man in his 30s died, apparently crushed to death by a lorry.

And while France and Britain have tried to present a united front in tackling the migrant crisis, the issue has become a political hot potato between the two countries.

A sign reading “Danger of Death” is seen as migrants walk on the railway tracks below in C …

The Government has pledged £7m to bolster security at Calais and work began on putting up a higher fence around the tunnel entrance this week.

The politicians will visit the Eurotunnel site together and meet charities that help migrants.

After the meeting with Mrs May, Mr Cazeneuve will travel to Berlin to meet his German counterpart for talks on Europe’s migration policies. Germany also said it received a jump in asylum requests and could receive as many as 750,000 asylum seekers this year.


More than 240,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean already this year, arriving on the shores of Greece and Italy.

Migrant Crisis: Britain And France To Agree Deal