
Britain lurches to the right with May’s pro-Brexit Cabinet

Theresa May took office as Britain’s second female prime minister and tasked with guiding the United Kingdom out of the European Union.


Theresa May became Britain’s new prime minister on Wednesday, and in her first speech as Prime Minister, made promises to carve out a bold new future in the world as she embarks on the task of leading the country out of the European Union, declaring, “we will rise to the challenge”.

Germany’s foreign minister says he hopes new British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson will want to maintain a “sensible relationship” with the European Union.

“The number one challenge is to stabilize the economy, send signals of confidence about the future, the plans we have for the future, to the markets, to businesses, to global investors”, Hammond told Sky News.

The first was Mrs Margaret Thatcher who was popularly known as the “Iron Lady” because of the tough stance she took against striking mine workers.

Britain’s new Prime Minister, Theresa May has appointed a new cabinet soon after taking up office at 10 Downing Street, replacing David Cameron as he stepped down on Wednesday.

Now she is set to name the new ministers in charge of the important health, education, Scotland, work and business briefs.

Her most contentious appointment is Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, accused by his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault on Thursday of lying to Britons in the run-up to last month’s shock referendum vote to leave the 28-nation EU.

Earlier, at Prime Minister’s Questions – a weekly session, Cameron said May was “a brilliant negotiator”.

He will take on the crucial role of securing Britain’s economic security whilst unpicking over four decades of trade, legal and diplomatic ties to the EU.

Amber Rudd from the Remain camp has been named Home Secretary, after spending the past year as energy and Climate minister.

Justine Greening, formerly in charge of worldwide development, is now education secretary and minister for women and equalities.

After Cameron resigned as prime minister following the Remain camp’s defeat in the European Union referendum, Johnson had been tipped as a favourite to replace him at 10 Downing Street.

The meeting in Edinburgh is expected to focus on Brexit negotiations and Scotland’s place in the European Union after 62% of voters in Scotland backed a remain vote in last month’s referendum.

European Parliament President Martin Schulz said the EU would “work constructively” with the new British government. “We will do everything we can to help anybody, whatever your background, to go as far as your talents will take you”, May said, in language more often used by left-of-center politicians, rather than by members of the center-right Conservative Party.

May has fired Justice Secretary Michael Gove, a former leader of the campaign for Britain to leave the European Union.

After Cameron’s final private audience with the Queen, the monarch said her farewell, again in private, to Cameron’s family.


His last session in the House of Commons culminated in loud applause and a standing ovation from his Conservative colleagues.

Full transcript: Theresa May's first speech as Britain's prime minister