
Britain will regain sovereignty without delay – Brexit minister

Mr Davis, one of the key figures in the cabinet tasked with formulating a strategy for the UK’s negotiations with the rest of the European Union, is expected to say that the United Kingdom should set its sights much higher than just “making the best of a bad job”.


“The prime minister and government have been clear that this was a once in a generation vote and, as the prime minister said, the decision must be respected”.

“But what we’ve heard instead hasn’t been a strategy, it hasn’t been a thought out plan, it’s just been more empty platitudes from a Government that just continues to make it up as it goes along”.

Prime Minister Theresa May has repeatedly ruled out a second referendum.

“He added: “(There will be) no attempt to delay, frustrate or thwart the will of the British people.

Davis also said that while warnings over the impact of a Brexit vote on the economy had been “proven to be wrong”, Britain should “not get too optimistic before we close the deal”.

In his statement to MPs, he said: “Naturally, people want to know what Brexit will mean”.

Ground founder Hugo Dixon, who was editor of the pro-Remain InFacts websie, said: “We will need a bold vision for how Britain can be fairer as well as a positive vision for Europe in order to have a chance of persuading leave voters to change their minds”.

The Haltemprice and Howeden MP also underlined Mrs May’s commitment to making control over the number of European Union nationals coming to the United Kingdom a priority. The EU petition urging a re-run of the vote has now attracted 4.14 million signatures – more than any other in the past five years.

Urged by ex-Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith to confirm that taking control of the UK’s borders was “not negotiable for any other deal”, he said Prime Minister Theresa May had “made it very plain that the current status of immigration can not go on and we will bring it to an end as part of this process”.


The Tory frontbencher also said most of those he has spoken to who backed Remain have now accepted the result.

UK lawmakers to debate second EU membership referendum