
British authorities charge migrant for allegedly walking the entire length of

Earlier this year, two migrants were plucked to safety from the English Channel after trying to climb aboard a moving ferry off Calais.


Road Haulage Association boss Richard Burnett added: “It is impossible for drivers to prevent determined migrants getting into trucks and with 5,000 migrants in the Calais area our drivers are exposed”.

Cargo trucks were backed up last week in Calais, waiting for human and other traffic to clear. Outnumbered police could only stop a few.

The Government has promised to boost security in Calais by sending additional security guards, sniffer dogs, fences and surveillance equipment including more CCTV to tackle the crisis.

It is understood that ministers have so-far decided not to close the tunnel after Eurotunnel, the company which operates the Channel Tunnel, voluntarily reduced the number of freight services at night.

He could do that, and end the crowds sweeping past the French police, and end the scam forever, but he dare not, because he would be called unfeeling, and a “monster” and “cavalier with people’s very lives”; and because he is that lowest of creatures; a politician, he will not do the right thing for Britain. It claims Britain has failed to provide enough security at the tunnel. Police have suggested that seven in 10 migrants may have reached the UK.

In 2004, there was an attempt, led by Britain, to create a unified European asylum policy, in which asylum seekers would be distributed to agreed-upon places, countries would share the settlement burden by economic and demographic need, and deportation and return of non-qualified applicants – a crucial part of any humane migration system – would be handled quickly and efficiently by sharing the burden across national authorities. Quite the contrary: The Jungle came into being and caused its first mass-assault crises in the mid-2000s, after a legal and managed refuge-processing centre down the coast in Sangatte was closed – at a point when refugee flows to Europe (and around the world) were at a historic low.

He could kick them out legally, and either send them packing to France, or send them back to the cess-pits from which they have emerged to leach off the British taxpayers.

“We have seen a constant and intense flux of arrivals, and many unaccompanied children, but the real problem is the number of dead”. Are there radicals among them?

Similar scenes are common in many other parts of the world, from the Mediterranean to the Americas to South-East Asia.

Stories of people from Muslim countries who are admitted to Britain and the U.S. on student visas and then disappear are all too familiar.


For thousands of years the British Isles have been invaded by foreign powers.

Migrants run towards the perimeter fence of the Eurotunnel site at Coquelles in Calais France