
British men killed in Austrian alpine road plunge

Two British men in their 20s were killed on Friday morning when their sports auto veered off Austria’s highest mountain pass during an illegal race, police said.


The men, aged 22 and 25, were racing a Seat against a Porsche when their vehicle skidded to the right, broke through a crash barrier and plummeted 300m (1,000ft).

They crashed through the guard rail and plunged around 300 metres (984ft).

Although a helicopter was called to recover the men from the ravine, the two men were reportedly pronounced dead at the scene.

An Austrian police spokeswoman said the men had been taking part in a race between the Belgian capital Brussels and Budapest in Hungary since July 18.

According to the Kronen Zeitung newspaper, they lost control of their vehicle on the hairpin road at the Fuscher Törl mountain pass, about 2,400m (7,874ft) above sea level.

Police say the other car’s driver initially kept driving, but they have now been identified.


The Foreign Office confirmed the deaths and said it was ready to provide consular assistance to the families.

The two victims were aged 22 and 25