
British PM Dismisses Book’s Claim About Lewd University Prank

Black Mirror writer Charlie Brooker has denied having prior knowledge of the allegations that Prime Minister David Cameron put a private part of his anatomy in the mouth of a dead pig while at university.


Despite Downing Street’s refusal to dignify Lord Ashcroft’s allegations with an official response, Mr Cameron has vented his frustration with a few jokes of his own.

Mr. Lord Ashcroft ex-conservative party treasurer wrote in his new book about British Prime Minster David Cameron is “not about settling scores”. The author of the biography, Lord Ashcroft and co-author Oakeshott, also claim that a third member of the group allegedly has a photographic capture of the event; he had refused to respond now.

The tabloid carried the single-word headline “Revenge!” over its front-page story on the claims in the book, co-written by political journalist Isabel Oakeshott.

Ashcroft was appointed a Conservative member of the House of Lords in 2000, and his tax status embarrassed the party when it was revealed in 2010, but Cameron claimed he hadn’t previously been aware of it.

The usual and unauthorized bio life, successive in the Daily Mail, added all allegations about David Cameron’s student days.

Mr Ashcroft’s status, which meant he did not have to pay United Kingdom taxes on overseas earnings, caused a major scandal at the time.

The book “Call Me Dave” also claims that Cameron smoked marijuana at university. The prime minister apparently told guests at the Tory Carlton Club on 21 September that he had to go to hospital for a bad back.

The Mail describes it as “the most explosive political book of the decade” but, in The Guardian, Roy Greenslade says he can not imagine it “doing much more than ruffling Cameron’s feathers”.


He claimed Cameron initially blamed his Liberal Democrat coalition partners for blocking his appointment, before offering him a junior role at the Foreign Office which the peer judged to be “declinable”. “On any of it”, a Cameron spokesperson tells the Independent.

David Cameron put 'private part' in dead pig's mouth while an Oxford student