
Brother admits ‘honor killing’ of Pakistani social media star

Video posted online show Baloch deceased as men attempt to remove her body from a vehicle amid much chaos.


The accused brother Waseem has also been arrested by police who has also confessed to have killed Qandeel for honor.

Earlier, he confessed to killing her and expressed no remorse for the crime. Baloch was killed while visiting her parents near the city of Multan during Eid, which marks the end of the month of Ramadan. “I was only waiting for the right moment”, he said, referring to the social media starlet’s selfie appearance with a local cleric that had spurred a major controversy in the country. “He escaped after strangling Qandeel”.

She often posted pictures many considered racy, and, according to the BBC, was known as “Pakistan’s Kim Kardashian”.

Police said they were looking for Waseem, who has since disappeared.

I am a drug addict but I was in my senses when I murdered her and I accept it with pride, said Qandeel murder-accused Wasim.

He said his sons were sad over “her accomplishments” and turned against her even though she supported them, the paper included.

Her controversial pictures recently led to the suspension of Mufti Qawi’s membership from the Ruet-e-Hilal committee.

After Baloch’s death, many Pakistanis again called for the passage of an anti-honour killing law, aimed a closing a loophole that allows family members to forgive the killers.

Multan police chief Akram Azhar said authorities will charge Azeem with carrying out a so-called honour killing and seek the “maximum punishment”.


Her real name was Fouzia Azeem but she chose Qandeel Baloch as her pseudonym after stepping into modelling. My friends used to send me videos and pictures on my mobile and everyone in the mobile market was sharing pictures and videos of her with me.

Mufti Abdul Qawi to be investigated in Qandeel murder case