
Brown University Providing Tampons in Men’s Bathrooms Because ‘Both Sexes Menstruate’

Women from Brown University will not have to worry because, from this year, they will find free tampons all the time in the bathrooms.


In an effort to be “trans-inclusive” and help their low-income peers, Brown University students are placing tampons in men’s restrooms across campus.

What is really important is that the menstrual products will be available also in men bathrooms.

The tampons will be funded exclusively by the Brown University Undergraduate Finance Board, a fund created to improve the undergraduate student experience.

“These products are not luxuries, they are necessities, and should be treated as such”, the Undergraduate Council of Students said in a press release. Nguyen says he hopes Brown itself will eventually step up and supply the tampons itself. NBC reports Brown is now stocking free tampons in all school bathrooms. “It’s an initial confusion, but people generally understand when we explain it”. Though the initiative was championed and enacted by the USC, its funds come from the Undergraduate Finance Board, so the purchase of tampons and other products-and any taxes incurred-fall on the University.

“The response has been overwhelmingly positive both in terms of anonymous and non-anonymous feedback”, Nguyen told HuffPost.

The decision reflects the view, embraced by Brown’s student government, that not all who menstruate are women.

Of course, there will be people who will not agree with this decision because they are against the transgender people.

But why the need for including tampons in men’s room as well?

Nguyen hopes to motivate other universities and student governments to take similar actions to address this issue of equity. California was one of the first states where a bill was introduced to slash taxes from menstrual products, with State Assembly Member Cristina Garcia (D) leading the fight.

It’s unclear how much the new initiative will cost UCS, Nguyen said, and he declined to provide estimates.

Brown University’s annual tuition is $50,224.


“Students” participation in school should not be hindered by insufficient access to this basic necessity.

A gender neutral sign is posted outside a bathroom