
Browns RB Crowell apologizes for Instagram drawing

Crowell removed the image shortly after posting it, but the image still was shared on social media. The image, posted prior to the devastating attacks on Dallas police officers, was an emotional reaction to the latest headlines involving a police officer shooting two black men in two separate horrifying incidents in Louisiana and Minnesota, and it is one Crowell addressed and apologized for on Monday. Five police officers were killed in a sniper attack in Dallas last Thursday. We have to be better as a society, it’s not about color, it’s about what’s right and wrong.


Isaiah Crowell is expected to share primary running back duties with Duke Johnson for Cleveland.

What remains unknown is whether or not Crowell made the decision to remove the image himself or if somebody from the Browns reached out to him and asked or strongly suggested taking it down and then issue an apology. “Every death as a result of violence should be treated with equal outrage and penalty”.

Once NFL reporters from coast to coast became aware of the issue, Crowell – Cleveland’s leading rusher in 2015 – issued an explanation and apology on his Twitter and Instagram accounts. Being a person with influence (over 39,000 followers on Instagram and nearly 32,000 followers on Twitter), Crowell has an obligation to be smarter about things like this in the future. But will that be enough for outraged Browns fans?

The illustration, which has since been deleted from Crowell’s Instagram account, was of a hooded figure holding a police officer’s head back and slitting his throat.

The person is also wearing black gloves and has an American flag backpack on.

Blood is spurting out of the officer’s neck and mouth, which is covered by the murderer’s hand.

The third-year running back posted a graphic image that depicted a police officer being slain by a masked assailant, and wrote accompanying text that read, “they give polices [sic] all types of weapons and that continuously choose to kill us”.

On Monday, Crowell apologized for his actions.


The NFL and the Browns released statements criticizing Crowell for the post.

Isaiah Crowell posts photo of cop getting throat slashed