
Bubba Watson Rants About Ants — PGA Championship News

Bubba Watson is not in contention at the 2015 PGA Championship. You might raise the ball and drop it inside one club-length of the closest level of aid, however not nearer the opening than the closest level of aid.


Rules official:“The sand is like a loose impediment.” Burrowing animals make for “abnormal” conditions, hence the discussion of whether or not an anthill was created by “burrowing” animals.

“It’s not fire ants or anything, so there’s no relief on them. That’s a loose impediment there”.

“It is an animal…you will agree with that”, Watson replied, channeling his inner Matlock. So how would it not be? It’s either an ant bed or it’s an animal digging a hole. It’s either one or the other. It can’t be both.

Rules official:“Well it’s not classed as a burrowing animal.”

Watson: Ok, so they’re tunnelmaking. They’re tunnel-making is what we’re calling it this week’. Seriously, I’m jealous of the things Ted Scott must get to see and hear. So if some guy was allergic to ants and he got an ant on him, you could care less?

The official shook his head slowly side-to-side and finished by saying, “It’s only the risky ants, the biting ants”.

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The lie didn’t seem to affect Bubba too much, however. Swinging so hard that he came out of his stance at the end, Watson managed to sail the ball just over the backside of the green.

Bubba Watson gets in heated exchange with a rules official over an anthill