
Buffett rebukes Trump, unveils voter turnout effort

‘I’ll bring my tax return, he can bring his tax return… and let people ask us questions about the items that are on there’.


Warren Buffett challenged Donald Trump Monday over the Republican presidential nominee’s refusal to release his tax returns, with Buffett proposing a forum in which he and Trump could show their tax returns together.

“Donald Trump at one point said that he can’t release his tax return because of an audit”.

Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire and former New York City mayor, slammed Trump at the July Democratic National Convention, calling him a “dangerous demagogue” and a “con”.

Buffett, who endorsed Clinton past year, was the latest in a series of business leaders attacking Trump as Clinton seeks to woo moderate and independent voters. He said he personally would take at least 10 people to vote who would otherwise have difficulty getting there.

Buffett instead suggested that Trump is withholding his tax returns intentionally. Nebraska is one of just two USA states that award electoral votes in presidential elections by congressional district.

Clinton has yet to visit Iowa since she secured the delegates needed to win the Democratic nomination, but the Omaha media market stretches deep into the Hawkeye State.

He proposed a goal of generating the highest electoral turnout in the country.

Trump, speaking Monday in OH, said that he felt that the Democrats had fixed their primary system so Hillary Clinton could defeat Bernie Sanders and claimed that the Republican nomination would have also been stolen from him had he not won “by such tremendous margins”.

Buffett on Monday bluntly contradicted Trump.

And over and over again, they seem eager to get under it.


Buffett said he would meet Trump “any place, any time” with a copy of his returns.

US investor Warren Buffett has challenged Republican Donald Trump to release his tax returns