
Buffett: Trump Is Afraid To Release Tax Returns

Mr Buffett, one of the world’s richest men and a supporter of Hillary Clinton, Mr Trump’s Democrat rival, dismissed the excuse, suggesting that the property tycoon was afraid of releasing them.


The New York businessman has said he can not do so until the Internal Revenue Service has completed an audit.

Buffett, a widely followed investor who is chairman and chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway Inc, scorned Trump’s 1995 move to list Trump hotels and casino resorts on the New York Stock Exchange, saying it lost money for the next decade and that “a monkey” would have outperformed Trump’s company.

“You will learn a whole lot more about Donald Trump if he produces his income tax returns”, Buffett said.

“There are no rules against showing your tax returns and just let[ting] people ask questions about the items that are on there”, Buffett said, before asking the boisterous crowd, “How many of you would be afraid to have your tax return made public?” “He is not afraid because of the IRS, he is afraid because of [voters]”.

Clinton responded to Buffett’s pledge with a promise of her own, if his turnout goal is met. People who believe in [Trump] came away losing well over 90 cents on the dollar. The so-called “Omaha Oracle” then announced a new campaign called “Drive 2 Vote”, created to bring out voters in Nebraska’s second congressional district, which offers a single Electoral College vote to the district victor.

Trump, she said, “has energized the Latino community for generations” with his sharp words about immigration and immigrants.

Introducing Clinton, Buffett promised that he would take people to the polls on election day.

Clinton said the wind industry is part of a “diverse economic development” strategy that keeps small town America going.

“He simply got infatuated with how much money he could borrow, and he did not give enough thought to how much money he could pay back”, Buffett said, according to Yahoo.

Referring to Trump’s recent criticism of the Muslim parents of a USA soldier who was killed in Iraq after the father chastised Trump for his anti-Muslim rhetoric, Buffett invoked the rebuke aimed at the late Sen. “I got out”, after seven years, he told FOX Business on Tuesday.

Mr Brookover joined the Trump campaign in March, and was appointed in June to serve as a liaison between the campaign and the Republican National Committee.


Clinton’s visit to Nebraska is a rarity for a Democratic presidential candidate in a general election.

The Latest: Buffett to introduce Clinton at Nebraska event