
Buhari Condemns Burkina Faso Coup

The coup leaders also announced the dissolution of the interim government and parliament, which had been tasked with leading the political transition in Burkina Faso after Compaore’s ouster in 2014.


An election is due in less than a month to aim to complete a transition back to democracy after a popular uprising toppled former President Compaore past year .

The United States has condemned the military takeover in Burkina Faso and called for the restoration of the transitional government guiding the country towards elections October 11. Soldiers met protesters with force; three people were killed and at least 60 were injured.

However, coup leaders have named the Presidential Guard’s General Diendere the new head of the transitional council.

The AU and regional body the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas), has called for the immediate release of “hostages”, referring to Kafando and interim Prime Minister Isaac Zida.

Calling themselves the National Democratic Council, they oppose the interim government’s plans to dissolve the presidential guard and claim the country faced instability after some candidates were barred from standing in the vote.

United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-moon said in a statement that the incident violated the constitution and transitional charter of Burkina Faso.

The Government of Ghana condemns in no uncertain terms the coup d’état announced on Thursday 17th September, 2015 in Ouagadougou, which has truncated the process put in place to restore Burkina Faso to constitutional rule by October 2015.

“We hope the ongoing FILEP will be concluded and that all journalists and media leaders who arrived in Burkina Faso will safely return to their homes”, Rogerio added.

“A key aim of the coup was to derail elections that could have hamstrung the political clout of the military, including key players in the presidential security regiment”, said Maja Bovcon, an Africa analyst with the global risk consultant Verisk Maplecroft.

Ahead of their arrival, the air and land borders were officially re-opened.

Burkina Faso’s presidential guard unit, the former security team for ex-President Blaise Compaore, on Thursday declared it had taken over power in the country.


Al Jazeera reports on the release of Michel Kafando.

Burkina Faso Coup Leaders Release President As Security Forces Squash Protests