
Bundling Up For Bernie: Sanders Supporters Rally Outside Near Clinton Event

Not all of the interview was congenial, however, as Lee confronted Sanders’ position on guns, which is at odds with most progressives.


Chris Murphy of CT, a vocal gun control advocate especially after the Newtown shooting in his home state, released a series of tweets expressing his disappointment with a view Sanders espoused during an editorial board meeting with the New York Daily News.

Here’s how that portion kicked off…

“Just as you heard the governor say, it is a result of what is best about NY and best about America”.

“Each and every year, the wealthy and large corporations evade $100 billion in USA taxes through abusive and illegal offshore tax havens in Panama and other countries”, he said.

Sanders: Let me be very clear about this. I believe that we can and should move to what Pope Francis calls a moral economy.

In any case, chances are that the Panama Papers will come up during the Democratic debate next week – if the moderators will not bring them up you can expect that Sanders will.

“I really appreciate everything he talked about from income equality to acknowledging that climate change is real and should be acknowledged as basic fact (laughter)…very cool”. For example, Sanders complains that executives implicated in the financial crisis haven’t been prosecuted.

“You have to look at the broader perspective”, Clinton said. Would you expect that that’s essentially the list that already exists under Dodd-Frank?

After joking that “the definition of a senator” is someone who looks in the mirror and sees the next US president staring back, Sanders got serious. How would you break up J.P. Morgan Chase?

“These are not utopian ideas”, Sanders said to a crowd that frequently whooped with encouragement.

This presentation of “My New York Values” can take two forms: it can be a substantive speech (or a part of a speech) of whatever length; and it could be made into a one-minute TV ad. I would think both, in combination, would work well.

Right now, what you have two factors. We bailed out Wall Street because the banks are too big to fail, correct? There is disagreement among economists on the left over how important, if at all, it is to break up large financial institutions. Something he probably picked up on from all the news about MetLife last week…

What the Supreme Court’s recent decision on Metropolitan Life means.

Do I have them in front of me, now, legal statutes? He can’t dodge this question forever…

Daily News: I get that point. How do you go about doing it?

Later, at a Philadelphia job training centre, Clinton said people should know what she would do if she’s elected president, “not just lots of arm-waving and hot rhetoric”. I don’t think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in Iraq.

Daily News: You believe that?

Bernie Sanders cited concerns about tax evasion to explain his opposition to the 2011 U.S.-Panama free trade agreement.

When I asked Daily News opinion editor Josh Greenman whether Clinton had agreed to do one of these interviews he said, “We’re working on it”. The President is not a dictator.


Fortune reported that Sanders has failed to fully describe how he would break up the banks. But do you know? “And there was a certain person who had the whole city in terror”.

Clinton hits Sanders on gun control sharpens attacks