
Burger King Thinks Mac N’ Cheetos Is Something You Might Eat

Mac and cheese meets Cheetos for a insane glutinous fast food mashup courtesy of Burger King.


We’ll repeat that: Mac n’ Cheetos. The move mimics the strategy of Yum Brands Inc.’s Taco Bell, which introduced a taco with a Doritos shell in 2012.

The Mac N’ Cheetos can be bought at limited locations this week and will roll out nationwide on June 27.

Well, you’re too late – Burger King already did, and the world will assuredly never be the same. One the one hand, they seem like a crime against nature, but on the other, Cheetos and deep-fried macaroni and cheese sounds like an awesome combination. “The Burger King brand was the ideal partner to bring this delicious and portable snack to life for lovers of cheese all around and our fans”.

Burger King is not one to shy away from getting creative with menu items.

Burger King will soon be serving up Mac n’ Cheetos – creamy mac n’ cheese deep fried into Cheeto-shaped sticks and covered with crispy Cheetos flavoring.

It doesn’t hurt that Burger King is backed by Warren Buffett and 3G Capital, which has a deal with PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay, owner of the Cheetos brand.

Burger King just took dangerously cheesy to a whole new level.


The two companies started working together about a year ago to create the mac-and-cheese item.

The lastest mixed food Burger King Mac n&#39 Cheetos