
Burkina Faso coup supporters attack hotel hosting mediation talks

Burkina Faso may be close to a post-coup breakthrough as indicated by the optimism displayed by Senegal President Macky Sall and Boni Yayi, who have led the talks, which contrasts the comments regarding the crisis just a day earlier.


The witnesses said they recognized several of the pro-coup protesters as militants from the Congress for Democracy and Progress (CDP), the former ruling party under ex-president Mr Compaore.

The coup leader was able to operate in relative anonymity over the a year ago, despite evident and public efforts by Zida to dissolve his unit, the Regiment of Presidential Security (RSP).

Late Friday night, after a full day of meetings in Ouagadougou, Sall called for “a dynamic of reconciliation”.

The official highlighted a series of steps the military is undertaking that include removing the transitional president from office, dissolving the government and forming a broad coalition that will focus on policies that will lead to inclusive elections.

The coup has also been condemned by the United States, former colonial power France and the United Nations.

Members of the presidential guard (RSP), some wearing balaclavas hiding their faces, burst into the Leico Hotel in the capital Ouagadougou brandishing assault rifles, pistols and shotguns as participants arrived for the talks. Though soldiers had used live rounds to repress earlier demonstrations, they had little presence in Ouagadougou on Saturday, emboldening demonstrators who cried out “Homeland or death!”

The actions are seen as an olive branch as those behind the rebellion have faced growing protests which have spread beyond the capital to other cities.

“The draft agreement foresees the restoration of the transitional institutions and of president Michel Kafando and for all those being held as a result of the coup to be freed”, former prime minister Kadre Desire Ouedraogo said, according to France24.

The coup has failed to gain widespread support across Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso’s army chief says at least 10 people have been killed and more than 100 injured in street clashes with soldiers, since a coup was launched by presidential guards on Wednesday.

Following a meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council in Addis Ababa on Friday, the 54-member pan-African bloc said the country was suspended “with immediate effect”, and slapped a travel ban and asset freeze on the junta leaders.

But the military lifted a curfew and reopened land and air borders that they had closed after seizing power.


They then headed to the home of the country’s interim president, Michel Kafando, who was released into house arrest after being detained by the members of the presidential guard on Wednesday.
