
Burn Victim Wants Katy Perry To Make Her Christmas Wish Come True

In 2013, Safyre, her father and three siblings were involved in an apartment fire. Sa’fyre will likely receive Christmas cards from around the globe thanks to media buzz and celebrities who have gotten behind the campaign. Safyre, now 8, has endured many surgeries for burns over 75 percent of her body.


Safyre, 8, was severely burned in a fire that claimed the lives of her family two and a half years ago.

Safyre’s aunt Liz Dolder, told TMZ, that she is a huge Katy fan, and even sang “Roar” during her school talent show.

Her aunt posted her request to Facebook, and the cards and gifts started pouring in from around the world. This is absolutely wonderful, it takes my breath away.

“We don’t want to sugarcoat her situation”, she said. She believed and all of you are making it happen. thank you. “We are preparing her for the world”.


For people interested in sending Safyre more than just a card, Dolder shared on Facebook that Safyre wears an 8/10 in shirts, a 7/8 in shoes, and a size 1 shoe.

Cards and donations surge for burn victim Sa'fyre Terry