
Burnham: Re-Nationalise Railways Line By Line

Corbyn’s surprise surge has left his immediate rivals – Burnham and Yvette Cooper – struggling to compete for attention, though Burnham is still the bookies’ favourite to win the race.


Unpaid internships would be banned along with forced zero-hours contracts, while people wanting to become apprentices would go through an application system similar to universities and receive financial support should Mr Burnham lead a Labour government.

Mr Mullin said that he didn’t believe any of the other three candidates, Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall offered Labour any better chance of wresting power from the Conservatives in the next general election.

The Labour leadership, which is asking all MPs to check whether any of the new members and supporters are genuinely committed to the Labour party, scored something of a coup when they discovered that the former Conservative children’s minister Tim Loughton had signed up.

Blair, the most successful Labour leader in history, made a rare public intervention last month to make his disagreement clear.

The left-wing candidate is due to arrive on our doorstep on Saturday morning, when organisers say they are expecting to have to turn people away from the event at Doncaster Trades Club in the Frenchgate shopping centre.

Jeremy Corbyn has staged a mass rally in north London which saw activists pour onto the street as he presses on in the Labour leadership contest.

MEMBERS of Westmorland and Lonsdale’s Labour party voted overwhelmingly in favour of nominating Jeremy Corbyn as the party’s new leader.

Mr Burnham says that a Labour government led by him would “lift the millstone of debt” from students and replace fees with a graduate tax.

Mr Cruddas said the party had to accept “hard truths” that the public backed the Tory squeeze on spending and welfare.

As Prime Minister David Cameron and Labour leader Ed Miliband went head-t0-head on May 7 the battle for Number 10 looked too close to call right up until the first exit polls came in. He told Socialist Worker, “I’m 21 and I’ve never voted”.

His Belfast appearance comes after he addressed supporters from the top of a fire engine in London after a planned rally spilled out into the street because so many people turned up.

“And Corbyn’s been able to tap into that and generate passion and enthusiasm the way no other candidate has”.


“I think it was an illegal war, I’m confident about that, indeed (former UN secretary general) Kofi Annan confirmed it was an illegal war, and therefore he has to explain to that”, Corbyn said in an interview with BBC2’s Newsnight.

Shadow chancellor Chris Leslie