
Bush calls for U.S. ground forces to fight Islamic State

Jeb Bush says the federal government needs to allay public concern over refugee resettlement and chastised president Obama for “demonizing” people who disagree with him on refugee resettlement.


Jeb Bush’s brother, George W. Bush, was president in 2003 when he ordered the invasion of Iraq, in which USA forces easily toppled dictator Saddam Hussein but then struggled for years after to quell a brutal insurgency that included former Iraqi military officers, Baath party leaders, and Al-Qaeda.

“While air power is essential, it alone can not bring the results we seek”.

Like Bush, Rubio stated that most boots on the ground need to come from regional allies, not the U.S.

Graham, appearing on MSNBC, proposed coordinating the armies of United States, France and “any North Atlantic Treaty Organisation nation that would like to help” to form a ground force that would supplement the allied air campaign against Islamic State. It would mean we’d allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan.

Asked if he thought the Paris attacks and other incidents of terror would have occurred during his brother’s presidency, Bush said he didn’t want to dwell in the past.

While Clinton has been careful to avoid criticizing Obama’s approach to the Middle East, she emphasized in her remarks the ways she would tackle the situation differently, including setting up a no-fly zone over Syria.

Sixty-five percent would not send special forces to the region, while an even greater number – 76 percent – would not send conventional ground troops, according to a Reuters/Ipsos survey conducted in the wake of the Paris attacks.

Bush is expected to condemn the defense spending cuts and call for the addition of 40,000 troops to be added to the military and 4,000 added Marine Corps.

Bush faulted President Barack Obama and 2016 Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton for wanting to withdraw from the world, particularly at a time when terrorists are wreaking havoc across Europe. Bush also calls for increasing production of next-generation stealth bombers. “More involvement, for sure, but in a leadership role”, he said on CBS’s “This Morning” program. Numerous Republican primary voters in the early-voting Southern primary state are retired and active-duty military. Bush has said the USA has an obligation to keep Christians in Syria safe, advocating for a safe zone for refugees overseas and saying he thinks the Obama administrations screening processes may not be sufficient.

“The President got after me indirectly on this yesterday, saying that somehow it was wrong to say what I just said and not have the same sympathies for Muslims”. But the dastardly George W. Bush, who orchestrated a war they considered “dumb”, tied their hands and prevented them from staying.

But with the Paris attacks raising alarms among Washington policy makers and fears that the Syrian war is spinning further out of control, presidential candidates and Washington lawmakers have started calling for tougher action by the White House. At the barbecue joint, the younger Bush recalled the war as “one of the most effective victories, where we had a strategy, we act(ed) on a strategy, we won and we left”.


Bush was vague on how many ground troops the United States should contribute to an worldwide coalition that he says he would build if elected president next November.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush at a campaign stop at a VFW in New