
Bush, other GOP hopefuls address Koch brothers gathering

The Koch brothers are “denying him access to their state-of-the-art data and refusing to let him speak to their gatherings of grassroots activists or major donors”, reports Politico.


Charles and David Koch have said they plan to spend almost $1 billion during the 2016 US presidential election cycle.

Politico reporter Kenneth P. Vogel also confirmed on Saturday that his outlet was one of the select few invited “on the condition that the donors present not be named without their permission”. Charles Koch told USA Today that if the circumstances were just right, they might focus all their funding on a single candidate.

“Concentrated, moneyed interests, represented by those in control of the country’s largest business corporation are increasingly able to turn law into a lottery, reducing law’s predictability, impairing property rights, and increasing the share of the economy devoted to rent-seeking rather than productive activity”, says John C. Coates, who teaches business law at Harvard University. Bush said he loved his dad and brother. Ted Cruz of Texas, U.S. Sen.

“People are frustrated. They’re frustrated because we keep winning elections and nothing changes”, Cruz said.

Still, numerous men and women at the donor conference, including the Kochs themselves, have the ability to spend millions of dollars backing their preferred candidate.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, another veteran of Koch confabs, said Republican voters are hungry for someone different.

“Americans instinctively understand that we have reached another one of those pivotal moments in our history where what’s at stake is not what party is in charge but our identity as a nation and as a people,”

. So it’s possible journalists end up reporting largely what the event sponsors want, such as fiery speeches and candidate remarks criticizing Democrats, but less on the power brokers attending who play key behind-the-scenes roles in the 2016 election.

Trump wasn’t as generous in his assessment of Rubio and the others who came to the Koch retreat, writing on Twitter: “I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers”. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former know-how government Carly Fiorina took questions on Saturday. “I wish the whole world could see what goes on here”, Koch said.

The Koch donor conferences, held twice a year, are insular affairs.

For the primary time, a small variety of reporters have been invited to listen to the 2016 candidates and attend another boards.


Subsequently, after at least two Supreme Court Justices commingled, conspired, and colluded with the Koch brothers and an entity (Citizens United) over how to get more corporate money in politics, the High Court ruled for the Koch brothers, Citizens United, and now-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Charles Koch slams 'corporate welfare'