
Bush, Rubio Aim For 3rd Place In Iowa Caucuses

For Republican candidate Sen. Marco Rubio during a campaign stop Sunday in Atkinson, N.H. Chappell is still deciding among Bush, Rubio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.


That was so among Iowans who gathered before sunrise to hear Rubio at a town-hall-style meeting in Cedar Rapids. Although he did not refer to either Cruz or Paul by name, the Florida senator decried “isolationist candidates” who voted to cut defense spending and end the National Security Agency’s mass surveillance methods. Were your treasures stored up on earth or in Heaven and to me I try to allow that to influence me in everything that I do. He’s in third nationally in an average of recent polls, significantly lagging two rivals who have made anger the hallmark of their campaign rhetoric: Rubio is about 24 points behind Trump and 9 points behind Cruz. Their policies, personalities and presumed ability to defeat the Democratic nominee in the fall are all under close examination.

But with no ties to Texas, Rubio trails far behind Cruz and billionaire Donald Trump in the Lone Star State, which has 155 delegates up for grabs during the March 1st Super Tuesday primary.

Frank said he believes Rubio would be the most competitive candidate in a general election among the Republicans still in the race. “Now all of a sudden – and I was watching Ted the other day”. She added she thinks the club’s split vote among the three candidates shows the differences in opinions among voters. “This guy has been spoon fed every victory he’s ever had in his life – is that the kind of person we want to put on the stage against Hillary Clinton?”.

“Barack Obama has deliberately weakened America”, Rubio charged.

Rubio said that he did agree, however, that the federal government did control too much land in western states.

Rubio has faced sharp criticism from fellow candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz for being a part of the Gang of Eight Senators who fought unsuccessfully to create a path of citizenship for those who entered the country illegally.

Cruz “was in favor of amnesty”.

Nevada is an attractive state for Rubio for many reasons.

“There’s been so many”, said Iowa corn farmer Jim Nelson of Cherokee. “I don’t know they’re big heels. Give them all a chance”.

It’s unclear what effect, if any, the Cruz camp’s ribbing will have on Rubio in states like Iowa and New Hampshire, where flashy, high-heeled footwear might make the Florida senator seem out of touch. This year, Trump has thrown a wrench into the plans of many a candidate, and never more acutely as in the Granite State.

Rubio said as president he would rebuild the military, rebuild the intelligence community, conduct “a real war on terror, not a rhetorical one”, and reform the Veterans Administration.

Becky Waters and her husband came from nearby Ogden to hear Cruz speak at a Christian bookstore in Boone on Monday.


‘Rubio and Paul are as tall as my iPod, ‘ Coulter said on Fox News, according to U.S.News & World Report.

Rubio heckler