
Bush says Obama’s ‘American,’ calls for new civility

Jeb Bush is leading off a half-dozen presidential candidates who plan to attend Michigan Republicans’ weekend gathering on Mackinac Island.


Bush was alluding to an episode on Thursday in which rival Donald Trump declined to correct a questioner who called Obama “Muslim” and “not even an American”.

Bush was the first speaker at the conference, and his speech stressed the need for conservatives to push their ideas and broaden their support.

Governor Jeb Bush arrived on the island, and will speak later Friday night. ‘His problem is that he’s a progressive liberal who tears down anybody that disagrees with him, ‘ Bush said.

Coming off a strong debate performance Wednesday, Bush said in a statement that he’s “in this race for the long haul, and Michigan is a key part of that strategy”.

Six presidential hopefuls are on the island for the event. It resumes Saturday with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Texas Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) will address the crowd. The island is only accessible by ferry or charter plane.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder opened the conference with brief remarks Friday afternoon.


Bill Parfet, president and CEO of MPI Research, will serve as chairman of the new PAC, and 2014 Snyder campaign manager Kyle Robertson will take on the role of executive director. Snyder said he is likely to make an endorsement before Michigan’s primary, which will be held next March.

Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Gov Jeb Bush arrives in Mackinac Island Michigan for the 2015 Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference on Friday