
Bush Super PAC ad: Primary rivals ‘reckless’

If establishment Republicans think that running negative television advertisements will quell the wave of support for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, Midwest voters say they should think again.


“If other campaigns wish that we’re going to uncork money on Donald Trump, they’ll be disappointed”, he told the Washington Post at the time.

Bush supporters argue that the super PAC’s work is paying off by keeping him front and center as voters begin to narrow their choices.

Trump has derided Bush as a “very, very low-energy person”.

The super PAC’s ads follow weeks of Bush sinking in national polls.

The ad then cut to Bush telling Stephanopoulos multiple times that Trump is a “gifted politician”.

Jeb Bush answers a question during the CNN Republican Presidential Debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California on September 16, 2015. Instead he’s focusing on massive rallies and most often on national media interviews – frequently conducted on the phone from Manhattan’s Trump Tower.

The attack on Trump comes as Republican rivals pounced on his comments late Monday.

The coup de grace for Jeb 2016, I think, is Christie’s small but important surge in New Hampshire over the last few weeks.

It also had political neophytes such as Ben Carson and Donald Trump.

“Let’s face facts”, Ward Baker, the head of the committee, wrote his senior staff. “Trump says what’s on his mind and that’s a problem”.

“The current celebrity, I don’t know, I really don’t believe in celebrity”, he said. “His campaign should be about the big ideas that we need to implement to fix the things that are broken in our country and restore America’s leadership in the world”.

Thanks in part to the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, Right to Rise USA may accept unlimited contributions and dole out its cash as it sees fit – as long as it doesn’t directly coordinate with the Bush campaign.

The Republican donor compared Trump’s remarks and behavior to the rise of dictators like Hitler, Mussolini and Fidel Castro, who garnered support among groups of people who had lost faith in their political leaders.

Domain registration records for the website have been blocked using a third party making it hard to know with certainty who is behind the domain.

Another Twitter user, Doctor Odd, also tweeted on the subject almost a month ago, tipping off politicos and journalists to the availability of, which may have expired, and even encouraging the Clinton campaign to buy it. That being said, it seems unlikely that the Clinton campaign would seek to get involved in inter-party Republican mudslinging, especially in the form of a fairly juvenile prank that would only reflect poorly on the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination.


The rip at Rubio has been one Bush has often alluded to while campaigning. “But he’s not a serious candidate”.

Time magazine  screenshotMILFORD New Hampshire