
Bye-Bye, Contested Convention: Donald Trump Wins Indiana Primary; Ted Cruz Drops Out

In a declaration that grabbed national attention, Ryan said on CNN’sThe Lead” that he would refuse to support Trump as the GOP nominee for president unless he does more to unify the Republican Party.


Still, at an Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry luncheon hours later, McCain stuck with his longtime position that he will support the Republican nominee – and would therefore support Trump.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz dropped out of the race on Tuesday after losing heavily to Mr Trump in the in primary.

Kasich’s campaign remained resolute though, believing that at a contested GOP convention in Cleveland this summer, party stalwarts would eventually turn toward the moderate governor of a crucial swing state. The party’s presidential nominee in 2012, Mitt Romney, will not attend the Republican National Convention in July, an aide said. “I don’t really want to do that”, he said.

The former reality TV star is “the most vulgar person ever to aspire to the presidency”, says Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who dropped out of the race last month.

Hillary Clinton urged Democrats on Thursday to unite around her candidacy as a way of fending off Republican Donald Trump, telling black community leaders that her advantage over Bernie Sanders far outpaces the deficit she faced in the 2008 primaries.

Trump’s presidential campaign will maintain GOP majorities in Congress. The ending of other GOP campaigns will unify the base and strengthen the party.

Trump also said that he would “do whatever the maximum standard is” in terms of separating his business interests from his role as president if he wins in November.

The move comes the day after Mr Trump beat Senate Cruz and Gov Kasich in IN, leading to Sen Cruz’s exit from the race.

Hillary Clinton has been “saying over and over again” that Trump “doesn’t have the experience”. “But when you look at him compared to someone like Hillary Clinton who left our troops to die with Benghazi, who since the ’90s has been connected to corrupt and even spying people overseas, the whole issue with the email”.

“Sixteen Republicans tried and failed to stop Trump – now it’s up to us”, Mrs Clinton’s deputy communications director Christina Reynolds said in an email seeking donations. Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse tweeted Tuesday night that his earlier statement that he would never support Trump stands.

His promises to ban Muslims to prevent terrorism and to build a wall along the border with Mexico to keep illegal immigrants out caused outrage at home and overseas but found favour among millions of disaffected Republicans angry at Washington’s politics as usual.

But with party unity on his mind, the presumptive nominee said Wednesday Kasich could be his running mate. “I’m going to vote for him”.


Many major donors have never heard of him – or even know how to pronounce his name. “I thought, actually, this thing was going to go to June 7 at the very least – probably to a convention – and so this is all pretty new for us”, he said.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton takes a selfie with supporters during a campaign event in Los Angeles