
CA Democratic Party Chairman Issues Statement On Sanders’ Endorsement Of Clintion

Bernie Sanders finally endorsed Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire at a joint rally on Tuesday, which completes a task that’s always been expected of him.


Accepting the endorsement of her primary rival, Clinton said she was happy to be working with someone who has energized the primary process.

Sanders had campaigned to the left of Clinton, criticising the US’s inequality gap, Wall Street and the healthcare system.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have teamed up for the battle against Donald Trump. (See Hillary Clinton as a guest at Donald Trump’s third wedding, for example.) The race was hard fought. Sanders received 60.4 percent of the vote and 15 delegates while Clinton received 38 percent and only nine delegates. The candidates unite in the belief that the GOP nominee would be a disaster for the country.

We invite supporters of both Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders to join us and put their energy into winning the White House and taking back Congress.

With Senator Sanders’ endorsement of Secretary Clinton, local Bernie supporters have to decide if feeling the Bern will keep them from voting for Hillary Clinton come November. Sanders’ campaign: “Thank you”. But Sanders made his own reasoning transparent on Tuesday.

Sanders told his supporters their “political revolution” must now turn to electing Clinton.

Hillary also took the stage to say that the election is now “more enjoyable” and her campaign has become stronger.

But Sandoval said it really should not be a mystery – Sanders is the anti-establishment candidate and so is Trump.

Sanders said he’ll do everything he can to make sure Clinton wins the 2016 presidential election.

‘I am absolutely certain I will not vote for Hillary Clinton, ‘ said Gale Bailey, a Sanders supporter and an unemployed graphic designer from Rochester, New Hampshire, who attended the rally in a Sanders T-shirt.


“To all the Bernie voters who want to stop bad trade deals & global special interests, we welcome you with open arms”, Trump wrote.
