
Caitlyn Jenner Receives ESPY Arthur Ashe Award For Courage

Numerous people who shouted and screamed of the injustice of Jenner winning the award couldn’t have named the five people who won it before her. On Wednesday, she took the chance, publicity stunt or not to deliver a powerful message.


But then her tone turned more serious as she talked about young people around the world coming to terms with being transgender.

In a statement to “Inside Edition”, Sam’s mother Cristina Bowman and his stepfather Larry Bowman say they are outraged Jenner mentioned their child on national television.

“”I think she looked handsome”, she added, of Caitlyn’s jaw-dropping appearance in a floor-length cream Versace gown”.

“Bigotry in any form is unacceptable and I guess I was just fed up with seeing people’s offensive remarks about a person they know nothing about”, he told BuzzFeed News. “With attention comes responsibility”, she noted.

On Wednesday, she took to the stage at the ESPYs in front of the world’s greatest athletes to accept the prestigious Arthur Ashe Courage Award.

UPDATE: Following considerable backlash, Berg took to Instagram again on Thursday (16 July) and struck a different tone: ‘I have the utmost respect for Caitlyn Jenner and I am a strong supporter of equality and the rights of trans people everywhere.

“This transition has been harder on me than anything I can imagine, ” said Jenner, who revealed she was in the process of becoming a woman in a televised interview with Diane Sawyer in April on ABC.

Speaking to Us Magazine, Kris said: “I think it was fantastic and very fearless”.

“Extra’s” Charissa Thompson chatted with celebrities who were supportive of Caitlyn, and were looking forward to seeing her accept her award.

‘I always thought that I got my courage and my determination from my dad. I was the MVP of the football team, that just wasn’t going to be a problem and the same thing goes tonight.


Jenner said her responsibility was clear: To continue telling her story as honestly and openly as possible and, from there, do whatever possible to “reshape the landscape of how trans issues are viewed”.

Caitlyn Jenner accepts the Arthur Ashe award for courage at the ESPY Awards at the Microsoft Theater