
Caitlyn Jenner ‘wanted limelight of female Kardashians’ – Germaine Greer

The Cardiff University student union has called for the cancelling of a November lecture by feminist author and academic Germaine Greer, following comments about transgender star Caitlyn Jenner and other trans women that they have labelled ‘transmisogynistic’.


She goes on to say that Jenner’s transition was nothing more than a “desperate attempt” to steal attention away from the other females in her infamous family – including ex-wife Kris and step-daughter Kim Kardashian.

“For example, when she was a fellow at Cambridge, she opposed the admittance of a transgender colleague to her women’s college because they had originally been born a man, which is just unacceptable”, Quinn said.

“That happens to be an opinion”, she added.

During the segment, Greer was asked to comment on Caitlyn Jenner and Glamour magazine’s plan to award Jenner its “Woman of the Year” award.

“At Cardiff University we work hard to provide a positive and welcoming space for LGBT+ people and we are in consultation with student and staff groups to ensure that the views of LGBT+ people are represented at our events”, he said. I’ve been accused of inciting violence against transgender people.

‘Greer has demonstrated time and time again her misogynistic views towards trans women, including continually misgendering trans women and denying the existence of transphobia altogether.

“A man who goes to these lengths to become a woman will be a better woman than someone who is just born a woman.”

“I don’t really know what I think of it. It strikes me as a bit of a put-up job really because I am not even going to talk about the issue that they are on about”.

Addressing claims that she had been hurtful towards transgender women, Greer added: “People are being hurtful to me all the time”.

Australian feminist icon and habitual headline-generator Germaine Greer didn’t rise to – and continue to amass – fame by keeping her regularly controversial opinions and sometimes freaky stream of consciousness to herself.

“People are hurtful to me all the time”, she said. “I’m 76, I don’t want to go down there and be screamed at and have things thrown at me”.


So much so that students in Cardiff have started a petition seeking to prevent her from giving a lecture next month entitled Women & Power: The Lessons of the 20th Century. “I’m not about to walk on eggshells”.

Online petition seeks to stop Germaine Greer lecture due to transphobic remarks