
Calif. toddler dies after dental procedure

While the specific procedure the Rady toddler was to undergo on Saturday, July 18, has not been made public, nor have the exact circumstances of her death, Marvelena is at least the third young child to die during a dental procedure in the past year.


Police and fire personnel were dispatched at about 10:20 investigate a report of an unresponsive child at a dental office located at 111 Deerwood Road in San Ramon.

Dr. Cheri Dang is the girl’s dentist, according to KPIX, who reported that she would not comment on the case. She has held a dentist license since June 2009 and also has a general anesthesia permit.

Emergency crews attempted to resuscitate the girl at the scene and continued those efforts as she was transported to San Ramon Regional Medical Center, McNamara said. Calls to the doctor’s office were not immediately returned.

The cause of the child’s death is still under investigation, according to the coroner’s office.

“God have mercy on you my daughter”, Marvelena’s father wrote in a Facebook post. The child was placed under general anesthesia, but she stopped breathing before the procedure was completed.


The legislation was inspired by Caleb Sears, a healthy 6-year-old Albany boy who died last year during an elective dental procedure while under anesthesia, which his oral surgeon was allowed to administer without help from any other medical professionals.

Daisy Lynn Torres Daisy Lynn was placed under general anesthesia which according to an autopsy report caused her death