
California Democratic Governor Vetoes Life-Saving Drugs for Terminally Ill

And when enough people and enough states say no to federal bans, there’s not much that Washington D.C. can do about it.


“The 2002 Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision striking down a California law that gave retired law enforcement officers special exemptions from the Assault Weapons Control Act was reinforced in a 2010 legal opinion issued by then-Attorney General Jerry Brown.”

California public schools will be barred from using the Redskins name for sports teams and mascots under the legislation. “Ethnic studies classes are already offered at schools throughout the state”.

We recognize the problem with the potential for ending one’s life early when the future is unclear, but for most terminally ill patients who merely want to relieve their suffering, we find this argument unconvincing.

Brown, who in 2011, admitted to owning guns and participating in duck hunting, has not specified whether he has a concealed carry license. After giving millions of undocumented immigrants driver’s licenses, he just signed a law giving them automatic voter registration with license renewals.

Vermont was the last state to have a Death with Dignity law enacted in 2013.

“Creating yet another advisory body specific to ethnic studies would be duplicative and undermine our current curriculum process”, Brown wrote. The initial cost is estimated at $40 million.

A number of representatives had voted against the bill, including Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez (R-Lake Elsinore) and state senators Mike Morrell (R-Rancho Cucamonga) and Jeff Stone (R-Temecula).

The California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, which sponsored the bill, said the proposal would have put employees and employers on equal footing in negotiating employment contracts, and called the veto “a slap in the face of working Californians”. It’s the third of its kind in the U.S. It applies to contracts for goods or services worth more than $100,000.

The bill is meant to prevent paparazzi from flying drones over private property. He vetoed a similar proposal that would have made flying a drone above someone’s property without permission a trespassing violation.


The Consumers Union of the USA together with other organisations had concerns over the preventative use of antimicrobial drugs, as well as the concern that “the data reporting part of the bill does not require reporting of total quantity of antibiotics used”.

Gov. Jerry Brown