
California heat brings energy ‘Flex Alert’

The California Independent System Operator called a Flex Alert for Wednesday and Thursday, asking consumers to use less power from the peak demand hours of 2 p.m. until 9 p.m.


Power imports may also be limited Wednesday because of high temperatures in neighboring states, the ISO said.

The ISO, however, urged customers to watch for flex alerts, which inform consumers of any potential power reliability problems and when to conserve energy. Such high temperatures are the source of power outages across the state each year.

When the company last delivered 3.3 bcf on June 20, it warned customers that supplies could run short.

Grid operators are monitoring conditions closely around the clock to ensure reliability.

Cal-ISO officials said conservation is especially important in the late afternoon, when air-conditioning use tends to push electricity use to its highest point of the day.

Conservation request has been extended through Thursday due to continued high temperatures statewide.

A statewide Flex Alert has been issued to conserve energy amid a protracted and sweltering heat wave in Southern California.


The forecast peak demand: 45,867 megawatts between 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. The vast network of high-voltage transmission power lines is supported by a competitive energy market and comprehensive grid planning.

Turn Down that AC Woodland Hills! 'Flex Alert&#039 Issued for Broiling Heat Wave