
California police releases video showing fatal shooting of unarmed suspect

Dylan Noble, a white man, was shot four times by Fresno police on June 25.


Investigators are still trying to determine whether or not the use of deadly force was justified during the shooting last month.

Dyer said: “I know that in cases like this, no matter what the decision is, there will be people that question it, people that will not support it”.

Warning: Viewers might find the contents of this video disturbing. He can be seen appearing to hide his hands behind his back.

A second officer shot him a fourth time when he was reaching into his waistband again, which is out of sight in the video, according to Mr Dyer. Dyer, who described the video as “extremely graphic”, said he made the decision to release the video to help people understand why Noble was stopped and why the two officers who stopped him fired shots.

As it turns out, Noble was actually holding a 4-inch plastic container with malleable clay. Noble eventually gets out of the vehicle and begins pacing back and forth in front of the police officers.

“The officers never had an objectively reasonable basis to shoot Dylan Noble”, the complaint reads. While protests for Castile and Sterling’s deaths have sprung up and prompted renewed calls for police reform, the response to Noble’s death was much more localized to the Fresno area.

The 19-year-old was unarmed, but Chief Jerry Dyer said he was reaching toward his waistband repeatedly. The claim also alleges Noble did not match the description of the man who police were initially seeking, the one who was seen with a rifle.

Dyer, who has asked the FBI do its own investigation into the shooting, said he has yet to conclude if officers used excessive force.

An internal police investigation into the shooting is ongoing.

Paboojian said Dylan Noble would be alive if Fresno police had treated it like a normal traffic stop.

But this is how police describe the incident, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Dyer said that prior to Noble getting out of the truck, “an off-duty sergeant from the Fresno County Sheriff’s Department was at the Chevron station standing at the gas pumps directly east of the truck and watched the entire incident unfold”.

The body cam footage showing Fresno police shooting and killing Dylan Noble was just released and it’s not pretty, showing the cops pull him over at gunpoint, ordering him to show him his hands.

“Tensions are high”, Dyer said.

But, he added, it shows that departments keen on shielding the public from body-camera footage “can do better”. The video shows at least one of his hands being out of the window and the police ordering to show the other one, although it remains unclear whether the other hand was shown as the body-cam is pointed in the other direction. A few seconds later, Noble takes a few forward steps and is shot twice in the stomach.


Noble’s mother, Veronica Nelson, filed a claim against the city on Monday.

Dylan Noble shot by police in Fresno California