
California the biggest delegate grab of all

“I’m very pleased with the courage and commitment our leadership team has shown for Donald Trump is bringing people to the Republican Party like no other candidate in a generation”, Paladino said in a statement.


“We’ll see morning in America again”, Cruz told the convention crowd in a speech full of conservative touchtone like “reigning in the EPA” and defeating “radical Islamic terrorists”. The Kasich campaign has often promoted its delegates on an “open convention slate”, instead of using the OH governor’s name on its material. That’s possible if the party chooses to close ranks around him ― especially if the party can push either Marco Rubio or John Kasich to urge their delegates to switch to Trump.

A top aide to Donald Trump said on Friday he was confident that the billionaire can win the Republican nomination for the White House outright and avoid a contested convention in July.

The Trump camp struggled to gain a footing at the congressional conventions earlier in the week from a series of reported missteps, but Trump supporters blame what they believe to be a delegate process that was unfair to the NY businessman.

The announcement comes as the candidate refocuses his efforts on his home state of NY. “Hillary Clinton’s worst day, she’s a hundred times better than any of the Republican candidates”, said Bernie Sanders, (D) Presidential Candidate.

There are no pollsters, no media consultants and few outside policy advisers, with the candidate determining much of the messaging himself.

Sanders’s recent string of victories still has not been enough to do any substantial damage to Clinton’s delegate lead. Of these, 35 percent favor Cruz and 32 percent support Trump, according to the poll. All eyes are now fixed on April 19th for the NY primaries.

At the college, Sanders essentially stuck to the major points of his campaign including calls for a more fair tax system.

One Republican at the convention who runs a popular hot dog stand by the Michigan Capitol building on weekdays said he likes Trump because “he’s untraditional”.


If anyone should understand this, it’s Donald Trump.

Donald Trump can win before Republican convention Aide