
California Unemployment Rate Drops To 5.8%

Job gains in October were more in line with the average gains of jobs in the state, with gains of close to 38,000 for each month over the past year.


“Today we are proud to announce that October was the highest month for job growth in ten years, with 36,600 private-sector jobs created in Florida”, Scott said before turning to his call for $1 billion in tax cuts, mostly for manufacturing. It was slightly higher than the national rate last month of 5 percent, which was down from 5.1 percent in September.

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond senior economist Rick Kaglic, who is based in Charlotte, attributes the sector’s job losses to seasonality and bad weather. For October, 454 job orders were posted, down more than 8 percent from the same month previous year. Louisiana experienced the biggest percentage decline.

The number of nonfarm payroll jobs comes from a survey of 58,000 California businesses.

The latest total jobs figure now exceeds the figure from December, 2007, when the Great Recession began, according to think-tank Policy Matters Ohio.

The Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metro area added about 7,400 jobs in October. Montana has added 10,000 jobs this year.

Choctaw County is the only county to register an increase in its unemployment rate over the year, rising from 7.8% to 8.4%. West Virginia, at 6.9 percent, had the highest unemployment rate among the states, while Mississippi’s rate tied for seventh-highest.

California led the nation with 41,200 new jobs last month, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Tehama County’s rate of unemployment is ranked 36th out of the 58 counties in the state.

Over the year, wage and salary employment increased by 21,100, with gains in the leisure and hospitality sector (+5,200), the education and health services sector (+4,700) and the professional and business services sector (+3,800), among others.

There were 492,000 jobless Floridians, out of the state’s 9.6 million member labor force.


The BLS revised that months’ job creation upward to 29,200 from 26,600.

Business Insider  Andy Kiersz data from Bureau of Labor Statistics