
Cam Newton surprises 10-year-old cancer patient at Halloween party

That leads us to this past weekend when Cam Newton, QB for the Carolina Panthers, pulled off a diving front flip into the end zone against the Houston Texans. He is also battling a rare form a cancer, and doctors are unsure if he’ll make it to October 31. So on Friday night the people of Concord, N.C. had Halloween in September (h/t to SB Nation).


As if his appearance wasn’t enough, Newton brought with him a whole ice cream truck, as well as brownies.

Hughes’ neighborhood chose to have Halloween early this year.

“As a mom it absolutely melts your heart”, said Becky Hughes, Elijah’s mom. “It brings tears to my eyes…This has been the hardest battle our family has ever had to go through”.


Newton heard about Elijah’s story and decided to surprise the boy dressed as the Joker along with more than 100 other kids in costume celebrating Elijah – who happens to be an Auburn fan. Just imagine how they’d react to a play like the Cam Newton touchdown flip. No matter what happens then, he has already won this week.

Credit Streeter Lecka  Getty Images