
Cameron Chairs Emotional Cabinet Meeting Last Time as UK PM

Theresa May is Britain’s second woman PM. May is also expected to boost the number of women in her frontline Cabinet team. She is a mother; May is not.


The second, she said, was the need to unite our country and third the need for a strong, new positive vision for the country. During his first visit, he delighted many by warning that Pakistan could not “look both ways” on the issue of terrorism. According to an official spokeswoman for the Prime Minister, Cameron argued that the renewal of Trident was “ultimate insurance to protect from future threats into the 2030s, 40s and 50s”.

May will then travel to the palace in order to receive the Queen’s invitation to form a government.

And she paid tribute to Mrs Leadsom for her “dignity” in withdrawing her leadership bid, as well as to the three other candidates who ran in the contest.

After months of simmering discontent among Labour legislators with party leader Jeremy Corbyn, the conflict exploded into the open after the referendum when the vast majority of the lawmakers rejected his leadership.

Corbyn, out of favor with most of his own Labour MPs, has said he will stand in a leadership contest.

If the NEC rules he needs to be nominated by MPs, it could spark a legal challenge.

She said: “This is less than 25% of the parliamentary party and after careful consideration I do not believe this is sufficient support to lead a strong and stable government should I win the leadership election”.

The prime minister praised Mrs May as “strong” and “competent” and he said she was “more than able to provide the leadership” the United Kingdom needs in the coming years.

Her main priority is to appoint her Chancellor, thought likely to be the Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, in what could be a job swap with George Osborne.

While May supported Britain staying in the bloc, she cut a low profile during the referendum campaign and insists she will honour the popular vote, stressing on Monday: “Brexit means Brexit”.

“We are going to give people more control over their lives”.

“I came into Downing Street to confront our problems as a country and lead people through hard decisions so that together we could reach better times“. UK Conservative Party leader Theresa May, who will succeed outgoing Prime Minister David Cameron on Wednesday, is unlikely to resemble Margaret Thatcher in her policies, a Russian expert said on Tuesday.

He said he expected to chair his last cabinet meeting on Tuesday, and then take questions in parliament for around 30 minutes from 11:00 GMT on Wednesday.

“So we will have a new Prime Minister by Wednesday evening”, Mr Cameron said.


He is expected to make a statement in Downing Street highlighting how he has overseen Britain’s economic recovery, before heading to Buckingham Palace to offer his resignation. He will now formally tender his resignation to Queen Elizabeth II later in the day and hand over to his successor, Theresa May. Boris Johnson the former mayor of London, Michael Gove the Justice Minister and Andrea Leadsom.

Welcome home Prime Minister: Theresa May arrives for David Cameron's last cabinet