
Cameroon repatriating Nigerian refugees

Bakary stated Tuesday that ladies, youngsters and males have been taken to Nigeria’s Sahuda village in Mubi, alongside the border.


The Boko Haram terrorist outfit in Northeast Nigeria has killed 16 Christian men on the shores of Lake Chad by slitting their throats, an global Catholic humanitarian organization is reporting.

Boko Haram used to escalate its activity after periods of calm that came with successful large-scale operations carried out by the Nigerian army, so the change had demonstrated the group’s flexibility and adaptability.

Malari has seen a number of attacks from Boko Haram in recent months. He stated 12,000 Nigerians might ultimately be despatched again.

Cameroon, which is part of a regional force fighting Boko Haram, has been hit by a series of deadly attacks in recent months, with violence surging region-wide since Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari’s May swearing in. The problem was compounded by the lack of priority given to education by the state government.

“You will not solve the crisis of the Boko Haram until the people of Nigeria stands up and support the government and each other”.

In Nigeria, many of those expelled said they were forced out quickly. Nigerian American author and columnist offered a voice of reason when he tweeted: “I understand the impulse to “do something”.

Makes Kony look like child’s play” and “The history of the Nigerian military “doing something” about Boko Haram has been one of mass murder of civilians”.

He went on to say that “some members” of Boko Haram had contacted the CCC and had requested “genuine and comprehensive dialogue” with the government – which, Anas asserted, “could lead to hundreds of them coming out to renounce their membership [in the group]”.

He, however, said “we do not tell sovereign nations what to do; we provide technical assistance including assistance in conflict resolution”, he added.


Commenting on the importance of the congressional delegation visit, Ms. Bukky Shonibare said it further shows that the United State is more committed to bringing back the kidnapped Chibok girls.

Cameroon to repatriate 12,000 Nigerians in the coming days