
Campaign Manager: Trump Now Believes Obama Born in US

“Rather than capturing people because Obama didn’t want to fill up Guantanamo, he used drones to kill them”, the former NY mayor said.


“I think it’s inarguable that Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader in his country than Barack Obama has been in this country”, Trump’s running mate told CNN’s Dana Bash at the Reagan Library.

“We’re pleased to see that one member of the Trump ticket has chose to meet the long-held threshold for disclosure in a modern day presidential campaign”, she said.

Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence’s tax returns have been uploaded to Donald Trump’s official campaign website, meaning that three of the four major party nominees’ returns have now been made public.

“There’s absolutely no record ever if Hillary Clinton or anyone in her campaign ever saying that President Obama is not legitimate”, he said, after scolding Giuliani for laughing about the issue.

In the letter to Rice, Pence and the other caucus members cited the case of Paul Klebnikov, the Russian-American editor of Forbes Russia who was killed in Moscow in July 2004, as a “tragic example of the kind of murder of journalists that have gone unresolved under President Putin’s administration”.

US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s adjusted gross income in 2015 was $10,594,529.00 according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) document posted on her campaign website in August.

Asked why Trump doesn’t say it himself, Conway replied: “You have to ask him”.

“I don’t talk about it because if I talk about that, your whole thing will be about that”, he said.

The same year, Trump appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News show, where O’Reilly repeatedly dismissed the birther conspiracy. That claim does not match comments Trump has made in recent years.

“I don’t know. I have no idea”.

Is Trump’s birther past going to hurt him this year? “I suggest that on all sides”.

“I always tell people – I mean, but for a whole lot of zeroes, he and I have an terrible lot in common”, Pence cracked on Thursday.

“Her campaign raised it first”, Giuliani maintained.

Giuliani alleged during the interview that it was the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008 that first sought to introduce doubt over the location of Obama’s birth.

Birtherism, you’ll remember, is the theory that Obama was not in fact born in the United States, and is therefore ineligible to be president.

Matt Mackowiak, a Republican strategist based in Texas, said Trump’s calculation to hold on to the returns probably isn’t about politics as much as protecting the candidate’s carefully constructed image.


Trump has long pushed the birther conspiracy - a thoroughly debunked rumor that Obama was born overseas and thus ineligible for the American presidency.

Republican vice presidential candidate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence comments after receiving a national security briefing in Indianapolis Friday Sept. 9 2016