
Campaign to be launched to tackle domestic abuse in Warrington

The council is backing the Warrington White Ribbon Campaign which calls on men, women and young people to take action.


Meanwhile, on November 10, the White Ribbon Australia released a document named Change the story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence – which aims at drawing a blueprint for the mankind’s surge ahead in removing the menace of violence against women and children across the world.

It is an global effort primarily aimed at men and boys, encouraging them to pledge that they will never commit, condone or remain silent about abuse of women.

The Manx police force is to become the first organisation in the Island to endorse a United Kingdom campaign against domestic violence.

As part of “Wear White to Work Day”, held on Wednesday 25 November, merchandise such as white wristbands and pins will be available for sale at all Southern Cross Care (Vic) locations across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, with proceeds from the sales going to White Ribbon Australia. The full address is

The centrepieces for this year’s promotions in Dunedin and Invercargill include large wooden white ribbons built by SDHB’s carpenters.

The two-hour early morning raised vital funds for Queensland’s Women’s Legal Service.

“We want to raise awareness that domestic violence against women is totally unacceptable”.


The breakfast featured addresses by new Queensland Chief Justice Catherine Holmes, Griffith University’s Mentors in Violence Prevention Program director Dr Shannon Spriggs Murdoch CORRECT and Victoria Cross recipient Ben Roberts-Smith.

Chief Inspector Steve Maddocks who leads the Protective Services Department of the constabulary promoting the'White Ribbon Campaign aimed at cutting domestic violence