
Can Clinton boost her public profile to win the White House?

King of Prussia, Penn.


Biden’s comments came yesterday during an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.Clinton made history later that day as the first female major party nominee in the nation’s history when Bernie Sanders, her rival, threw his support behind her even as some of his supporters expressed their displeasure over the outcome of the highly competitive — and at times acrimonious – process leading up to the convention.

The president’s aides have said one of his motivations for aggressively campaigning for Clinton is his belief that Trump would spend his initial weeks in office undoing policies adopted since 2009. It was a very good speech, and shockingly detailed, as late-night convention speeches go.

Those of you with real live political work experience know that one worker is worth ten talkers.

A few days later, still trying to impress his future bride, the former president spotted Rodham-Clinton in line to register for classes and raced to join her. “We stood in line and talked… and I thought I was doing pretty well”.

How do you move past those differences?

Kathy Roemer, who on Tuesday continued to wear her Sanders buttons in the arena, said she still wasn’t sure if she’d vote for Clinton in November against Trump, who was nominated last week by Republicans in Cleveland.

But some Sanders delegates continue to voice displeasure.

In an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, Ryan clearly sympathized with the Sanders supporters and sounded off on the Democratic Party’s bias.

On Monday in Philadelphia, the delegation’s Sanders contingent was loud and rowdy and hanging to a small glimmer of hope. Chanting “This is what democracy looks like”, they marched into the media tent across from the Wells Fargo Center.

Clinton has been briefed about reports that intelligence officials believe Russian Federation was behind the leak of DNC emails and is “alarmed by the prospect and proposition that Russian Federation is interfering in an American election”, Sullivan said.

Hillary Clinton is officially the Democratic nominee for president, but the historic achievement doesn’t matter all that much to those who would rather have voted for Bernie Sanders this fall.

A number of Sanders delegates from MI are now supporting Clinton, but in a quieter fashion. “Nobody would ever vote for me'”.

“She’s the best darn change-maker I’ve ever met in my entire life”, he said.

“Hillary needs to start using the word ‘apartheid” and “illegal settlements’ because that’s what they are”, she said.

Blanchard, in his breakfast speech, pointed out notable politicians who lost elections and went on to do great things. The people in that room were not booing Bernie Sanders, they were booing Hillary Clinton, they were expressing their discontent with the idea of having to support someone they don’t support.

“It’s hard to be “Bernie or bust” if Bernie is not ‘Bernie or bust, ‘” Ellison said.

Then, in the second half of Night 3, from 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM, the schedule is action-packed with remarks from Vice President Joe Biden, 73, film producer Lee Daniels, 56, actress Star Jones, 54, Civil Rights Leader Reverend Jesse Jackson, 74, actress Angela Bassett, 57, and many more.

Sanders delegate Martha Medrano summed up the groups feelings, “So there’s the kid in all of us right?”


So we get to the convention and it’s over. Julie Pinkham, a Sanders delegate from Quincy, says Sanders will help Clinton get elected. “We want change at the top level of the Democratic Party”. “And that’s definitely a win. This was about a revolution and a revolution takes time”.

In 10th convention speech, Bill Clinton faces tougher crowd