
Can Clinton find the spark to fend off the challenge from Sanders?

By contrast, Hillary Clinton has been stressing her electability and questioning the costs of Sanders’ ideas.


During a phone interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe, she pointed to Biden’s later clarification that what he meant was she was busy with other issues during the four years she was secretary of State. But Sanders is enormously popular among Democrats right now for what he is articulating and the way he is campaigning.

A Fox News poll in early December showed Clinton with 82% of the black vote in SC and Sanders drawing 11%. “Part of the process is to convince people Bernie is a serious option, and doing well in early states helps with that”. “As I have said for many months now, we need to look at the underlying law and tighten it up”.

From there, the campaign will play out in a series of Southern states holding contests on the March 1 “Super Tuesday” primaries, where African-American voters are pivotal. With the Iowa caucuses just two weeks away, it’s the latest in a series of stops around the Hawkeye State aimed at leveraging the Clinton name that bears the title of president.

From her opening statement, Clinton took every opportunity to ignore her rivals onstage and go after what she believes is the true opposition.

Democrats who turned out to listen to the former president this week in New Hampshire dismissed the allegations of sexual misconduct as no longer relevant. And, like Obama in 2008, Sanders has been a true “movement leader” in the Democratic party.

Both say they support Obama’s actions expanding the number of background checks before gun purchases by requiring more sellers – including those at stores, gun shows and on the Internet – to get licenses.

Even Clinton’s rallies are relatively tame, compared to Sanders events, which draw thousands, particularly young people and populists who cheer wildly for Sanders’ proposals to dismantle banks and send white collar criminals to jail. Clinton held a 30-point lead nationally as recently as last month, but is now ahead of Sanders by just single digits.

In an effort to reach out to a more diverse demographic, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders is launching a Feel the Bern tour, traveling to HBCUs throughout the country.

Clinton lambastes Sanders over his record on gun control – one area where he may be vulnerable with Democrats – especially for voting to shield gun manufacturers from lawsuits.

However, full-fledged panic would set in if Clinton then loses the Nevada caucuses, wedged in between New Hampshire and SC, the consultant said.

Clinton has been criticizing Sanders’s vote for the 2005 bill since October, but her criticisms-and his desire to shore up his credibility with on an issue that resonates with many Democratic primary voters-gained new urgency as Sanders gained on Clinton in the polls. “He introduced the bill to keep fossil fuels in the ground on federal land and he opposes unjust trade agreements that damage our planet”, says a narrator during the 30-second spot.


David Pepper, the Ohio Democratic Party chairman, said Clinton’s infrastructure remains very strong, after her decisive victory over Obama there eight years ago.

Chris Usher  CBS via Getty Images