
Can you adopt a black cat this Halloween?

Of the 125 or so cats and kittens now available for adoption at PHS/SPCA’s Center for Compassion in Burlingame (1450 Rollins Rd.), 31 are all black.


The Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA (PHS/SPCA) is not placing a moratorium on black cat adoptions like a few shelters across the country do in the days before Halloween. She is an indoor cat although she does enjoy supervised garden play.

Max and Mimi, are both around 16 years old and came to Cats Protection a few weeks ago.

Mimi is described as lively and full of energy and mischief.

One-year-old Ruby needs a nice quiet home where she can relax. During the black cat and kitten promotion, all fees are waived and the same items will be included free of charge.

If you live in the Tenterden area of Kent and think you can offer Fluffy a loving home, call the branch/centre on 01797 366 379.

The RSCPA report that out of more than 1000 cats in its care, 70 per cent are black or black and white and that the struggle to rehome them is not helped by superstition: “In United Kingdom folklore, black cats symbolise good luck, yet sadly in reality they are not so lucky”.

Scott Delucchi, spokesman for the group, said shelters have traditionally shied away from black cat adoptions in October, suspecting that not everyone looking for a black cat has good intentions or has thought the adoption through.

Delucchi says there are several reasons for black cats to be overlooked.

That belief does not show itself in Cats Protection latest statistics.


The best ones will be shortlisted and collected in a photo album on Facebook for people to like their favourite. You can post a photo of a cat just sitting there doing nothing and it’ll get more likes than your wedding portrait.

National Black Cat Day