
Can you spot the subtle change to Facebook’s logo?

After ten years, the social media giant recently made a far less unsettling change in its logo.


Yesterday product designer Christophe Tauziet quietly unveiled a brand new logo design for Facebook. The new look, while wildly different under a microscope, was intentionally created to adopt every shred of Facebook’s existing brand awareness – and that’s what makes the redesign a bit, well, unnecessary. The new letter “b” also has more of traditional stem than the previous font. Considering how screen sizes at present are small, Facebook’s goal is to appeal to mobile users and the minor logo change will lead to huge accomplishments in the future. revealed that Facebook began considering a new font for their logo in 2013.

WASHINGTON: Facebook has changed its logo for the first time since 2005. Arguably, it’s less of a statement and more of a nod to new directions. The new logo appears to be a little less robotic or clear cut, and instead it is more friendly.

However, not everyone is as unimpressed by the changes as most of us will be, according to this story in the Wall Street Journal.

You won’t see it when you head over to Facebook, which continues to feature just the “F” symbol, but it will be used wherever else the brand’s full name appears, such as in signage on its headquarters.

“It’s a utility driven change, clearly to optimize the logotype for mobile devices, which is really key to Facebook’s business strategy”, Belk told Wired.

The social network has adopted thinner lettering, and a rounded-off “a”, as well as adding more white space to its emblem.


Facebook’s stock set an all-time high last week, marking it the 10th most valuable stock in S&P 500 – exceeding the $233 billion market value of Walmart, the world’s biggest retailer.

Here's Why Facebook Just Changed Its Logo