
Canadian commercials could be approaching Super Bowl end zone this weekend

The annual gladiatorial contest known as The Super Bowl is America’s biggest sports event of the year, when more than 100 million viewers gather to watch the best professional football teams compete for the championship in the country’s most popular sport. Lewis said the company will add those to the site as they air Sunday.


Social media’s where numerous ads have already been teased, or premiered in full, which carries risk.

But there is one downside to the hype around the Super Bowl ads: increasingly, both the advertiser and the ad agency want to be noticed.

If last year’s Super Bowl commercials pulled heartstrings, this year’s target is the amusing bone.

Henry says that the local companies that do well during the Super Bowl embrace the small-time feel. The 1-minute commercial, based on George Orwell’s classic novel, ran for 60 seconds only aired once, but according to Guskey, created a major splash in the advertising industry. “Last year, was a flawless example with Nationwide”.

There’s now a two-way street, as many Super Bowl ads drive traffic to websites and social media channels, and vice-versa, as some social media channels now are encouraging people to watch their Super Bowl ads.

“It seems like every year the pre-game hype surrounds the ads that will feature celebrities”, he said. People likely won’t be watching it on PVR later and skipping the commercials.

A 30-second commercial spot on Super Sunday can cost up to $5 million, according to CBS News.

Why is the Super Bowl such a draw for advertisers? The ad stars model Charlotte McKinney, who appears to be in her birthday suit walking through a market as she takes a bite of a cheeseburger. And despite the lack of USA ads, the game remains one of the highest-rated TV shows in Canada. A platform like the Super Bowl is really not something that’s necessary for us. That is, unless they go the somewhat ethically questionable route of using a virtual private network or proxy to make their web traffic look like it’s coming from inside the U.S.

Perry MacDonald, who heads Bell’s English-language TV business, said the CRTC’s “arbitrary” decision makes no sense given the importance of ad revenues beyond his company’s bottom line.


The world’s largest automaker Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is advertising a Super Bowl of the seventh consecutive year under Chief Marketing Officer Olivier Francois.

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