
Canadian fighter jets strike ISIL positions in Iraq

Fighters from the Shiite Badr Brigades militia patrol at the front line, in Kessarrat, (70 kilometers) northwest of Baghdad, Iraq.


Islamic State (IS) militants have attacked Iraqi security forces near the two main cities of the western province of Anbar.

On Friday, the terrorists launched a raid on the town of Khalidiyah with mortars and vehicle bomb attacks, Anbar councilman Athal al-Fahdawi said.

He added that the ISIS fighters were forced to retreat after an hour-long battle, leaving behind 12 dead fighters. Some were hiding in houses in a nearby village.

Police and army officers said at least 10 soldiers were killed.

But a USA official, speaking on condition of anonymity, suggested a lack of Iraqi army control of militia activities in Falluja would prevent the kind of air support for the campaign that the United States has offered elsewhere in Iraq.

Arbil: Iraqi Shiite militia fighters are tightening a noose around the Daesh-held city of Fallujah west of Baghdad as the first stage of a counter-offensive in the Sunni province of Anbar, likely to determine the course of the conflict in coming months.

Meanwhile, a representative for Iraq’s most senior Shia cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, called on regional countries to take “decisive measures” to stop the flow of foreign militants into Iraq.


Foreign fighters have been streaming into Syria and Iraq by the thousands to join IS and other extremist groups.

Iraqi troops militias repel IS attack on town in Anbar