
Canadian professor advocates postponing Rio Olympics

“The problem is we’re essentially faced with a situation of games versus health”, Attaran said in an interview Monday from Ottawa.


“What is proposed is to bring half a million Olympic visitors into the heart of the epidemic”, he said.

WHO and PAHO encourage athletes and visitors to Rio de Janeiro, and other areas where Zika virus is circulating to follow the travel advice provided by WHO and their countries’ health authorities, and consult a health worker before travelling.

With the 2016 Olympics set to begin this summer in Brazil, most Canadians are anxious about hundreds of thousands of people flooding into an area most affected by the Zika virus.

“This includes Rio de Janeiro”, the organisations said in a joint statement.

The 2016 Rio Olympic Games could be plagued by the Zika virus. It said it is working with the World Health Organization and others to limit risks.

A separate International Olympic Committee statement said that plans were in place to target mosquitoes and deal with their stagnant water breeding grounds.

While Canada does not have the ideal climatic conditions for a possible outbreak from the mosquito-borne virus, some Canadians are concerned about visiting more southern countries.

“The clear statements from World Health Organization that there should be no restrictions on travel and trade means there is no justification for cancelling or delaying or postponing or moving the Rio Games”, Dr. Richard Budgett, the IOC’s medical director, told The Associated Press.

Attaran said the IOC can not protect Olympic visitors from getting the Zika virus.

The cost to Brazil of losing the games would be large – given that it budgeted $13 billion for the games.

Brazilian President DilmaRousseff is facing impeachment, the economy is in deep recession and the country is gripped by a vast corruption scandal centred on state-controlled oil giant Petrobras.

But those concerns don’t come close to the “public health issues with the Zika virus”, Attaran told VOA.

“There is a duty of care from me to Jessica, as a coach to an athlete”. “But it has to be treated seriously and I just don’t think it is. It has to be about preventing more children from being born brain-damaged and all the suffering for them and their families”.

The Zika virus has spread through Latin America since it was first identified in Brazil a year ago, and it has been declared a health emergency by the World Health Organisation.

Women “pregnant or becoming pregnant should be careful of going to the Olympics”, said Demrovsky, who warns that travelers should “watch out for warnings” when “making the final decision” on going to Brazil.

“This includes Rio de Janeiro”, the World Health Organization statement said.

They have to select air-conditioned room accommodation. There is also the game of Rugby which is also being reintroduced to the Olympics after 92 years.

“I have not used (the Zika virus) as an excuse, although it would be very convenient to do so”, Scott said.

But Solo told CNBC television that she doesn’t plan to spend much time outdoors.

“I don’t know any player who’s even said, ‘I’m on the fence, ‘” Whan said.


Rivaldo played football for Brazil’s national team from 1993-2003.

The Zika Virus