
Candidate Endorsements: Bernie Sanders Lags Behind ‘Candidate Of The

After telling MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow last month that issues within the VA have “not been as widespread as it has been made out to be” – a comment that was blasted by Republicans and Democrats – Clinton has regularly used the word “systemic” to describe the issues within the VA.


Democratic presidential candidate Bernard Sanders on Sunday said that nomination rival Hillary Rodham Clinton’s “evolution” on issues such as gay marriage, marijuana and the Keystone XL oil pipeline raise questions about her leadership.

At the Democratic debate in Des Moines this Saturday, we should certainly listen for what Clinton and Sanders say they would do to get big money out of politics.

Furthermore, recent polls showing Clinton ahead of Sanders by an astronomical figure target primarily landline telephones and also highlight the fact that even the landline telephone respondents don’t trust or admire Clinton. Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s stoutest Democratic opponent.

This article was written by Sara Jerde from Talking Points Memo and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. “Because I think there is a lot for us to learn”. “I am not running for my husband’s third term and I am not running for Barack Obama’s third term, but I am a proud Democrat and I am going to build on the progress we have made together”.

Sanders argued that if we were serious about criminal justice reform and preventing many thousands of lives from being impacted because of criminal convictions for marijuana possession.

“You will see him up here”, she said.

“I do support the use of medical marijuana”, Clinton said to a crowd at a town hall meeting at Claflin University – a historically black university – in Orangeburg, South Carolina.

Democrats should reject O’Malley’s attempt to stigmatize Sanders for choosing to run in the party’s primary though he has long labeled himself a democratic socialist, and chose to serve in Congress as an independent.

But many moderates believe she will come around once the primary contest is over, particularly over trade when her opposition to Obama’s Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal is the biggest thorn in the side of pro-business Democrats.

A particularly poignant moment included Martin asking all the Black women in attendance to stand up before asking Clinton if she would appoint a Black woman to the Supreme Court.

“I don’t believe we should at all consider putting American troops into the area to fight ISIS”, she said.


They argue the reverse: that economic populism is a way for Democrats to transcend culture wars that have divided the country and find common cause with Republicans who are equally fed up with stagnant middle class wages and the power of the Wall Street elite. Bernie Sanders in more than just the polls for the 2016 Democratic primary. However, black voters (40%) are less likely than white voters (66%) to feel the same about Sanders. The Republican Party can’t figure out who it is much less rally around a single leader.
