
Candidate forum sets stage for debates

Asserting that Donald Trump is “temperamentally unfit” to be the U.S. commander-in-chief, Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton today said her Republican rival has no plan to defeat ISIS that makes him not only “dangerous” but “disqualifying”.


Trump’s campaign, meanwhile, called Clinton’s press conference a “desperate” attempt to distract from a poor performance at the forum in which she “again failed the commander-in-chief test”. “That is not acting in our interests”.

Finally, Clinton was asked if she was being held to a different standard by the media and how that might impact her in the debates.

Clinton’s remarks followed a Wednesday night national security forum where the presidential candidates made back-to-back appearances. It only took hundreds of days, relentless criticism of her evasiveness with the press from the press, and a disastrous presidential forum where Trump was shown outrageous favoritism over her, but she did it. The Trump Victory Fund shares with the Republican National Committee and 11 state party committees, as the Post’s Matea Gold reported earlier this year.

“I think under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble”, Trump said.

Trump’s camp said he made another “significant contribution” in August, bringing his total funding for the campaign to almost $60 million.

[Trump] has an executive bearing and if you don’t care too much about the details of any of this stuff, a lot of what he says will sound like common sense. But there is no way for her to break out of the box on this issue because she can’t just tell the truth – i.e., she wanted to keep her records from public view in violation of the rules. “I find it frustrating, but it’s part of the landscape we live in”.

The appearances mark an intense, two-day focus on national security by Trump, who has offered tough rhetoric – but few details – on America’s challenges overseas. Those attending the event include Michael Chertoff, who served as Homeland Security secretary under President George W. Bush. The reception illustrated the pressure that will be on moderators for the three face-to-face debates between Clinton and Trump later this fall. Lauer’s NBC colleague, Lester Holt, is scheduled to moderate the first debate on September 26.

Clinton responded that she would let journalists tackle the question, predicting that she would be the topic of historical study long after the election. He devoted about a third of his time with Clinton to questioning her about her use of a private email server and seemed to rush through topics that included domestic terrorism. Her shots at Trump felt forced, and especially at the end, rushed. And for the first time, he opened the door to granting legal status to people living in the USA illegally who join the military. “I could see myself working that”.


During the forum, Trump also insisted on repeating a claim that has been previously debunked – that the businessman was “totally against the war in Iraq”.

'Today show host Matt Lauer looks on during the NBC News Commander-in Chief Forum with Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sept. 7 2016 in New York City