
Candidates on the hunt for votes, delegates in MI

The lonestar state has 222 Democratic delegates to be earned and 155 Republican delegates.


Because some congressional districts may have more voters tonight than others, it is possible that a candidate could do so well in one or two districts that he or she could get more delegates while losing the statewide popular vote.

How confident is Trump that he’ll be able to pull it off? More specifically, as outlined above, a candidate can walk away with Super Tuesday with a good sense of how they are doing in the race. Trump projected to win for Republicans. USA electoral politics are weird and long and often there’s no nirvanic moment of awareness, just an eventual acceptance that this is the way it is and all us normal voters may die without fully understanding why. So far majority are going with Hillary Clinton.

Political passions ran high here as Virginia voters headed to the polls on Super Tuesday, with some voters less motivated to vote for a particular candidate than to vote against one.

Super Tuesday has finally arrived! Ted Cruz – the only candidate who had beat him in a pre-Super Tuesday contest.

The GOP establishment’s moves to unite behind Rubio have hurt Cruz’s ability to appear viable on a national level, despite his still-healthy war chest. And as the list of Republican candidates narrows, get ready for even more intense debates as the election season rolls on. In order to persuade campaign donors to keep writing checks, Cruz will likely have to win his home state – and probably by a wide margin if he wants to keep his delegate count viable moving forward.

Neither John Kasich nor Ben Carson have won any states.

Virginia is an open primary, and registered voters can vote in either primary. It was also telling that nowhere in the speech did Sanders suggest where his campaign goes from here. “I want to congratulate Ted on the winning of Texas, he worked hard on it”, Trump said.

For Clinton, the best case Super Tuesday is a simple one: turning her decisive win in SC on Saturday into a sweep across the South and beyond that will cement the perception that she’s on an all-but-unstoppable march to her party’s nomination.

Tennessee – Clinton projected to win for Democrats. On the Democratic side, 11 states will do so. While she said the former secretary of state may be a safer bet to win in November, Amy Shaunette sided with Sanders due to his vow to tackle income inequality and his appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres show, among other factors.

– Bernie Sanders: Tuesday’s results showed that Sanders simply didn’t do enough to disrupt the race in the first four states. Sanders and Rubio both still face huge climbs to snag their parties’ nod that will likely only grow even after wins at Minnesota caucuses. In addition to his home state of Vermont, he was also projected to win Colorado, Oklahoma and Minnesota.

Alabama – Clinton projected to win for Democrats.


Sanders has already set up a campaign office in Rockford, and has a well funded campaign overall, so he can afford to make a strong push in IL.

A guide to Tuesday's Minnesota Caucus